DocID030479 Rev 2
Dual Role Power configuration
The DRP configuration setting ensures operation as both provider and consumer.
As the provider configuration setting ensures the correct V
and V
management, the
DRP configuration setting is the same as described for the Provider.
Using the NUCLEO-F072RB on-board voltage regulator
When the P-NUCLEO-USB002 kit is supplied by the on-board NUCLEO-F072RB voltage
regulator, via a USB Type-A to Mini-B cable plugged to the NUCLEO board CN1 connector
and then to a PC or a standard USB power supply.
The system setting is:
on NUCLEO-F072RB board:
JP1 open
JP5 (PWR) closed on U5V (fitting pins 1-2)
JP6 (IDD) closed
on P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board:
JP400 and JP401 (relative to PORT_0 or PORT_1) closed
Using an external power supply
Connect an external power board to the P-NUCLEO-USB002 power connector CN4 so the
system can offer different VBUS voltage profiles.
In this case, the system configuration is:
on NUCLEO-F072RB board:
JP1 closed
JP5 (PWR) closed on E5V (fitting pins 2-3)
JP6 (IDD) closed
on P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board:
JP400 and JP401 (relative to PORT_0 or PORT_1) open
Once configured, if a full-featured cable is used, verify that on the selected port the VCONN
jumpers (JP000 and JP001) on the P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board are fit according
to the preferred voltage delivery mode:
fit pins 1-2 of JP000 and JP001 to select VCONN provided by the +5 V generated by
NUCLEO-F072RB board
fit pins 2-3 of JP000 and JP001 to select the VCONN provided by the external power
supply through the CN4 power connector