DocID030479 Rev 2
on NUCLEO-F072RB board:
JP1 closed
JP5 (PWR) closed on E5V (fitting pins 2-3)
JP6 (IDD) closed
on P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board:
JP400 and JP401 (relative to PORT_0 or PORT_1) open
Once configured, if a full-featured cable is used, verify that on the selected port the VCONN
jumpers (JP000 and JP001) on the P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board are configured
according to the preferred voltage delivery mode:
fit pins 1-2 of JP000 and JP001 to select VCONN provided by the +5 V generated by
NUCLEO-F072RB board
fit pins 2-3 of JP000 and JP001 to select the VCONN provided by the external power
supply through the CN4 power connector
Sink power role configuration
In the Consumer configuration, the system may manage two supply options.
The first one is supplied by the NUCLEO-F072RB board, while the second configuration is
more interesting from the application point of view, since it implements a specific feature of
the USB PD solutions, i.e. the Dead Battery mode (when a Consumer is supplied by the
Provider by mean of its VBUS). Both configurations correspond to two diverse settings, too:
Using the NUCLEO-F072RB on-board voltage regulator
When the P-NUCLEO-USB002 kit is connected to a PC or a USB power supply by
NUCLEO-F072RB CN1 connector, the on-board voltage regulator supplies the system.
In this case, the system setting:
on NUCLEO-F072RB board:
JP1 open
JP5 (PWR) closed on U5V (fitting pins 1-2)
JP6 (IDD) closed
on P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board:
jumpers JP400 and JP401 open
jumpers JP000 JP001 open
Using an external provider
This configuration allows applications to implement a specific feature of the USB PD
solutions: the Dead Battery mode.
If the Consumer is supplied by the V
delivered by the connected Provider through the
USB Type-
C™ cable, the system setting is:
on NUCLEO-F072RB board:
JP1 closed
JP5 (PWR) closed on E5V (fitting pins 2-3)
JP6 (IDD) closed
on P-NUCLEO-USB002 expansion board:
jumpers JP400 and JP401 open
jumpers JP000 JP001 open