Telecommand interface
The telecommand interface is available through the TC_ON and TC_OFF pins of the ICL device. On the EVAL-
RHRICL1ALV1 board the telecommand pins are driven by two additional MOSFET transistors (NCH_1 and
NCH_2). The gates of these transistors are available by TC3 connector.
The device is switched-ON by applying a positive pulse signal of the typical duration of 100 μs between terminal 3
and 2 of connector TC3 (
Figure 12. Latched evaluation board schematic
); or in alternative way, the device is
switched-ON by applying a negative pulse signal of the typical duration of 100μs directly to the pin TC_ON.
The device is switched-OFF by applying a positive pulse signal of the typical duration of 100 μs between terminal
1 and 2 of connector TC3 (
Figure 12. Latched evaluation board schematic
); or in alternative way, the device is
switched-OFF by applying a negative pulse signal of the typical duration of 100 μs directly to the pin TC_ON.
In order to have a more robust implementation, unwanted ON/OFF pulses having a short duration (< 10 μs) are
ignored giving out a sort of noise immunity of the telecommand system. In case of contemporaneous application
of ON and OFF commands, the OFF command has the priority; this means for example that, in case of a failure of
the telecommand interface resulting in a permanent ON state, it is possible to switch OFF the device by sending
an OFF command.
The typical behavior of the device configured in latched mode is depicted below (timing not in scale).
Figure 14.
Latched-on at start-up diagram
Figure 15.
Latched-off at start-up diagram
Layout of the EVAL-RHRICL1ALV1 board
Figure 16.
EVAL-RHRICL1ALV1 top layout
Figure 17.
EVAL-RHRICL1ALV1 bottom layout
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