Hardware and layout
DocID018789 Rev 4
Figure 5. STM32L152RCT6 package
The STM32L152RCT6 provides the following benefits:
Ultra low power proprietary 130 nm technology: speed and power consumption
independent of MCU power supply, and ultra low leakage
Ultra Low power design (clock gating, low-power Flash with power-off capability):
reduced overall Run and Wait mode current consumption by turning off clocks of
unused peripherals or Flash
Sub 1 µA hardware RTC and AWU system unit:
Ultra-low-power modes for applications requesting regular wake up
Up to 6 Low-power modes: suitable for many applications from complete switch off to
continuous monitoring at ultra low frequency
Advanced and flexible clock system (multiple internal and external clock sources):
switch and adjust frequency and clock sources on the fly depending on application
Direct memory access on board (up to 12 DMA channels): autonomy for peripherals,
independent from the core; can switch off Flash memory and CPU (large current
consumption contributors) while keeping peripherals active
Ultra Low power and ultrasafe features (POR, PDR, BOR, PVD) allowing integrated
application safety and security
Unique identifier to enhance user data confidentiality/reliability
Ultrafast wakeup from lowest consumption low-power mode allowing fast switching
from static and dynamic power modes
Analog functional down to 1.8 V, and programming down to 1.65 V
Full functionality over the complete V
For more information, refer to STM32L152RCT6 datasheet available on ST website.
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