January 2017
DocID018789 Rev 4
User manual
Discovery kits with STM32L152RCT6
and STM32L152RBT6 MCUs
The STM32L152RCT6 Discovery kit (32L152CDISCOVERY) and the STM32L152RBT6
(STM32L-DISCOVERY) allow to develop applications based on the STM32L1 Series and to
benefit from the ultra-low-power features of these microcontollers.
The 32L152CDISCOVERY is based on an STM32L152RCT6 (256 Kbytes of Flash
memory). The STM32L-DISCOVERY is based on an STM32L152RBT6 (128 Kbytes of
Flash memory).
These discovery kits include the ST-LINK/V2 in-circuit debugger, one LCD (24 segments, 4
commons), four LEDs, two pushbuttons, one linear touch sensor and four touchkeys.
Figure 1. 32L152CDISCOVERY board
1. Picture is not contractual.
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