Remote Maintenance Gateway RMG/938 – First Steps
D o c u m e n t R e v i s i o n 1 . 0
For a quick and easy start with the RMG/938 there are a few cable connections necessary.
Ethernet Link
The Ethernet link between the PC and
of the RMG/938 can be made on two ways:
Direct with an Ethernet cross-over cable like shown in
fig. 1
With two standard Ethernet patch cables over a hub or switch like shown in
fig. 2
Figure 1:
Ethernet link with cross-over cable
Please note:
For the Ethernet connection in
fig. 1
it is required to use a
cross-over cable
. Do not
use an ordinary patch cable. Both types of cables are in most cases visual indistin-
guishable. But the internal wiring is fully different. Mixing up these types of cables
leads to LAN errors. Hence pay attention to the label of the cable or packing.
Figure 2:
Ethernet link with hub or switch
The IP address of the LAN1 interface is ex-factory set to