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Chapter 5 Break-In of your new motorcycle
The importance of correct new vehicle break-in was mentioned in
Foreword. The correct break-in method is as follows.
Maximum speed
The maximum speed during the break-in period is shown in the table:
First 500 miles
<5000 rpm
At 1,000 miles
<7500 rpm
After 1,000 miles
<10000 rpm
Changes of engine speed
Do not drive at a constant engine speed for a long time. For a better
break-in, properly increase and reduce the throttle opening. Change
engine speed from time to time to let various engine parts get "bearing"
pressure. When the pressure is "unloaded", the engine parts will cool
down, helping the fitting of different parts. During the break-in period,
engine load may be properly increased. Apply some load to engine parts
to guarantee good fitting. This is every important, but do not apply
excessive load to the engine.
Avoid driving at a low speed
Running at a low engine speed (with light load) can only polish the
parts but cannot get a good break-in. So long as the upper limit of the
recommended throttle opening is not exceeded, drive the vehicle in
various gears with proper acceleration. However, never drive at
maximum acceleration during the first 1,000 mi.
Make oil circulating before driving
After starting of warm or cold engine and before applying load or
driving, let the engine run at idle speed for an adequate time. This allows
lubricant to flow to all import engine parts, so as to reduce wearing and
increase the service life. This also helps the engine to warm-up
First maintenance inspection
The maintenance of the first 600 mi is the most important. During