O-3000 Camera Series
Install Package
The install package, available from the download section of the O-3000 website (see [
]), contains
the O-3000 driver and a demo application to operate the O-3000 cameras with a PC (Linux or Win-
dows) or a Mac. The install package also includes the entire source code of the driver and the demo
Check [
] for support about setting up the install package or running the demo application.
Demo Application
With the demo application you can use the O-3000 camera and test some of its operating modes (see
At this point, we focus on the software architecture of the demo application. We start with the system
and its boundaries. Figure
shows the particular modules in interaction with each other. On top we
have the actual demo application (written in Java) which is connected through several layers to the
camera. All modules described are part of the driver package. We will come to that later on in section
. Basically, the top layer application (e.g. the Java demo application) is connecting through the
wrapper and via the camera driver functions and libusb respectively to the operating system. The
operating system itself is using system calls to communicate with the O-3000 camera series device.
Source Code
The install package includes all the sources and creates a file structure on your system according to
the driver documentation [
]. Basically, there are four important directories you will need to take into
consideration for the further programming or developing process. It is:
The bin directory which helds the java demo app.
The include directory in which the header files are stored.
The lib directory in which the libraries are.
The src directory where all the source code is located.
Java Native Interface.
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