The SSK-50 should never be carried or holstered in a cocked position. The hammer should be drawn
to full cock and the External Manual Firing Pin Selector moved to a fire position (position 1 or 3) only
when you are ready to fire. Your finger or fingers should not be in contact with trigger except during
the act of firing.
The safeties on the SSK-50 are mechanical devices and are not foolproof. They are intended to be
used in combination with common sense and safe gun handling practices. Do not rely on the safe-
ties to overcome the danger of injury to yourself or others from careless handling or abuse of your
Do not load the SSK-50 until you are ready to fire it. Always keep the muzzle of your
firearm pointed down range.
If the SSK-50 is dropped or struck a hard blow, the following steps should be taken. The action
should be opened, the gun should be unloaded, the bore should be checked for obstructions, the
action should be functioned to be sure that both safeties work properly; that the hammer functions
normally; and that there are no broken or deformed parts. If any problem or malfunction is noted the
gun IS NOT SAFE and must be returned to the factory for service.
The trigger guard spur acts as a lever to lock and to unlock the action. Consequently, it must be
free. At no time should the shooter allow the trigger guard to rest on any surface.
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