The PRL-1600 Pulse Radio Link is a Transmitter and Receiver system that wirelessly sends up to four channels of KYZ
pulses from the transmitter to a paired receiver. The short-hop PRL-1600 has a range of up to 5,000 feet depending on
site topography and solves the problem of getting pulses across parking lots, vacant lots, roads, railroad tracks or other
obstacles. With the PRL-1600, you're now able to connect real-time KYZ pulses from 2 Form C pulse channels or 4
Form A pulse channels. Pulses from each meter output are independently outputted on one of the four channels in the
receiver. The PRL-1600 eliminates trenching or other costly methods of getting wires strung between each meter and
the destination device as well as providing superior isolation against transients that could be induced in a long cable run.
Additionally, ground rise problems are eliminated since there is no electrical connection between the two devices.
The PRL-1600 Radio Pulse Link system consists of one PRT-1600 Transmitter and one PRR-1600 Receiver. The
system uses Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) technology to communicate on 64 frequencies between 902
to 927MHz, using one of 6 hop sequence "channels", and allows unlicensed operation by the user, allowing multiple
systems to operate in the same radio airspace. Nominally, the PRL-1600 will transmit pulses between 2,500 and 5,000
feet in an unobstructed line-of-sight configuration but may go farther depending on optimal site conditions.
Transmitter consists of the following:
Pulse Radio Transmitter/Antenna Unit
Pulse Transmitter Base Unit
The PRT-1600 Transmitter receives pulses from a meter's KYZ pulse initiator and sends them to the PRR-1600
Receiver unit wirelessly. Each 10 second interval, the number of pulses received from the meter's pulse KYZ initiator, is
transmitted to the Receiver upon the next transmission cycle. The Receiver will then generate the correct number of
pulses at KYZ outputs, over the next 10 seconds. The PRNT-1600 Transmitter/Antenna Unit contains the transceiver
radio, a microcontroller and all the circuitry and software to communicate with the Receiver. The PRT-16 Base Unit
contains the power supply, termination points, and has a built-in low voltage transformer-isolated power supply
generating a +13VDC sense (wetting) voltage. The sense voltage is connected to meter's dry-contact KYZ pulse initiator.
The PRT-1600 Transmitter is capable of operating on supply voltages of 120 or 208-277VAC. In addition to line power, it
can be operated with batteries or a solar power supply such as Solid State Instruments' SPS-1 Solar Power Supply by
using the PRT-16S 12VDC Transmitter Base Unit.
Receiver consists of the following:
Pulse Radio Receiver/Antenna Unit
Pulse Receiver Base Unit
The PRR-1600 contains the transceiver radio, a microcontroller and all the circuitry and software to receive pulses from
the Transmitter and output them on one of four output channels.
The PRR-12 Base Unit contains the power supply,
output relays and termination points where all connections are made. Four output channels are available, and can be
configured as 4 Form A or 2 Form C. Each output channel contains one KY Form A (2-Wire) Solid State output. The
Receiver/Antenna unit is intended to be mounted outdoors, in a direct line-of-sight with the Transmitter/Antenna units. It
cannot operate if obstructed by trees, metal poles, buildings or other objects. The Receiver Base Unit is designed to
mount indoors, or inside an existing control enclosure suitable for the application. The Base and Radio/Antenna Units
are connected together by means of an 8-conductor, #24AWG 4 twisted pair shielded control cable. It is important for
noise immunity and error-free communications between the Base and Transceiver that 4-twisted pair shielded control
cable be used. The PRR-1600 is capable of operating on supply voltages of 120VAC or 208-277VAC. Other power
supply voltages are available upon special order.