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Ss Brewtech Pro Tanks ship with a PT100 type temperature senor included. To set the temp sensor
type, begin by pressing the “Level Key” (3 or more seconds).
Then press the “Mode Key” until you see “Cn-t”. Finally press the “Up” or “Down” Key to select “1” for a
PT100 probe. For other temp sensor options, please reference the table on the following page.
Press and hold the “Level Key” for more than 3 seconds to return to the primary display.
The input setting can be manipulated based on the type of sensor being used. The correct input setting
for a PT100 sensor is “Cn-t: 1”. This should be the default setting on your controller. If you are reading a
sensor error message (S.ERR), double check your connections to the sensor and ensure that “Cn-t” is
set to 1. If you are using a different type of sensor, see the included chart to determine the proper input
setting for your particular sensor.
Up Key
Level Key
Operation Indicators
Down Key
Mode Key
Shift Key
No. 1 Display
Temperature Unit
No. 2 Display