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Once cleaned and assembled, your kettle is now ready for use. Please refer to our eController quick
start guide for operation.
Our kettles were designed with advanced brewing practices in mind and suit a wide variety of needs
including a boil kettle or as a hot liquor tank.
Depending on the intended use, you can individually configure your kettle with optional accessories
to fill a specific role within your brew house. If you intend to use the vessel primarily as a boil kettle.
The trub dam is a key feature that will inhibit the transfer of break material and hop residue into the
fermenter. For best results, immediately following the boil, create a whirlpool by vigorously stirring or
using a wort pump along with our optional whirlpool fitting. (Use caution around the submerged heating
element). The effectiveness of the trub dam is dependent on creating a trub cone in the center of the
vessel. Furthermore, fining agents such as Whirlfloc or Irish moss can also be used to assist in the
process of creating a uniform trub cone. This process is especially important for brewers that typically
utilize whole or leaf hops, since they can easily clog the dip tube.
If you intend to use the vessel as an HLT, similar operation would occur. Again, keep in mind that any
heat that is dispersed through the unit that encounters the kettles surface or accessories will be hot, so
handle with PPE equipment. Always brew on a flat, nonflammable surface. Never attempt to lift a kettle
that contains hot liquid due to the risk of injury or scalding to yourself or others. As a solution, utilize a
wort pump to transfer hot liquids to avoid injury.