AFM 4-2
Section 3: Getting Started
This section explains how to install the required software and the recommended configuration.
Swift GCS
The current version of Swift GCS and this manual can be found at:
Swift GCS will notify you when a new version is released if you are connected to the internet on
Install Swift GCS
You will be asked for a license key during installation. Each Lynx system includes one license key
which may be activated two times. Without a key, the GCS will run in free mode which only supports
uploading 15 waypoints.
Updating the Autopilot Firmware
Due to the large number of changes that can happen with an autopilot firmware update, it is
recommended to wait for a new release to be tested first by SRP. Any required changes in
parameters will be noted with the parameter updates as well as any expected behavior changes.
You will be automatically notified by the GCS when you should update firmware on the autopilot.
To upload new firmware go to the settings tab, and expand the Firmware Upload item. Select
Upload Firmware
and start the upload. The GCS will now indicate
Scanning for USB port
in the
Firmware Upload menu. Now connect a USB cable between the computer and the autopilots USB
port. The firmware will be automatically uploaded.