Damper Service
2 0 0 H o u r S e r v i c e
D a m p e r S e r v i c e
Remove the compression damper top cap o-ring and piston u-cup seal.
Apply grease to the new o-ring and seal, and install them.
The Yari™ rebound damper seal head cannot be removed from the end
of the damper shaft. The rebound piston must be removed first.
Clamp the bottom of the rebound damper shaft into the 9/16" opening
of a Park Tool® AV-4 or AV-5 aluminum axle and spindle vise insert.
Clamp the damper at the bottom of the shaft, near the threaded shaft
bolt insert to avoid scratching or damaging the shaft.
Use a 15 mm open end wrench and remove the rebound damper
Remove the seal head.
Clean the rebound damper shaft and inspect it for scratches. If
scratched, replace the rebound damper assembly.
Remove the outer seal head o-ring and inner shaft scraper seal and
discard them.
Apply grease to the new o-rings and install them.
15 mm