Damper Bleed
D a m p e r B l e e d
Draw 3wt RockShox® suspension oil into a RockShox Bleed syringe
until it is half full.
Hold the syringe upright, cover the tip with a rag, and gently depress
the plunger to purge any air bubbles from the syringe.
Only use a RockShox bleed syringe.
Do not use syringes that have been in contact with DOT brake fluid.
DOT brake fluid will permanently damage the seals and will cause the
fork to malfunction.
Thread the syringe bleed fitting into the seal head bleed port.
Depress the plunger to pressurize the damper assembly.
Push the rebound damper shaft into the cartridge tube while applying
opposing pressure on the syringe plunger as the syringe fills with oil.
Pull the rebound damper shaft slowly out of the cartridge tube while
applying opposing pressure on the syringe plunger as oil fills the
Repeat this process until bubbles are no longer pulled from the damper
into the syringe.
RockShox Bleed Syringe