Service Procedures
S e r v i c e P r o c e d u r e s
The following procedures should be performed throughout service, unless otherwise specified.
Clean the part with isopropyl alcohol and a clean, lint-free shop towel.
Clean the sealing surface on the part and inspect it for scratches.
Replace the o-ring or seal with a new one from the service kit.
Use your fingers, a ziptie, or a pick to pierce and remove the old seal or o-ring.
Apply DOT grease to the new seal or o-ring when instructed.
Do not scratch any sealing surfaces when servicing the product. Scratches can
cause leaks. Consult the spare parts catalog to replace the damaged part.
Use aluminum soft jaws when placing a part in a bench vise.
Tighten the part with a torque wrench to the torque value listed in the red bar.
When using a crowfoot socket and torque wrench, install the crowfoot socket
at 90 degrees to the torque wrench.
Specified torque value in N·m (in-lb)