Brake Pad Advancement
B r a k e P a d A d v a n c e m e n t
Do not apply DOT brake fluid or grease to caliper pistons when performing troubleshooting procedures. Use of DOT brake fluid or grease can
diminish braking performance and cause rotor rubbing.
If your brakes exhibit excessive lever throw or spongy feel, perform the following steps before bleeding the system:
G2 R is pictured. The procedure is the same for all G2 disc brakes.
Clamp the bicycle into a bicycle work stand.
Clamp the bicycle into a bicycle work stand.
Remove the wheel from the affected caliper.
Remove the wheel from the affected caliper.
Remove the E-clip from the pad retention bolt.
Remove the E-clip from the pad retention bolt.
Remove the pad retention bolt from the caliper.
Remove the pad retention bolt from the caliper.
Remove the brake pads and pad H-spring from the caliper.
Remove the brake pads and pad H-spring from the caliper.
Insert two brake rotors into the caliper rotor slot.
Insert two brake rotors into the caliper rotor slot.
Needle nose pliers
2.5 mm