Saturday 10AM to 6PM CST
SpyCentre.com Spy Shop
Since 1993 Toll Free # 1
How to Review the Recordings: (Windows )
When the device is off plug the device into a PC/computer via the included USB cable
If a “Choose Action” pop up occurs, choose “Open to View Folder/Files”
If not then go to file explorer on a Windows or Finder on a Mac and find the device
Double click either the Video/ Photo/Audio folder
Double click the file to Open and Play
How to Review the Recordings: (Mac)
When the device is off plug the device into a Mac/computer via the included USB cable
On your desktop a new folder will be present representing the connected device
Double click on that folder to access the files
Double click either the Video/ Photo/Audio folder
Double click the file to Open and Play
How to Setup the Time and Date Stamp: (Windows Only)
When the device is off plug the device into a PC/computer via the included USB cable
If a “Choose Action” pop up occurs, choose open to view Folder/Files
In the Root folder is a program named “PowerCam Setup”
Double click and run the “PowerCam Setup”
From here changes can be made to the device, including time stamp
Once the changes have been made, click “Create configuration file” to save the changes
Unplug the unit from your computer and make a brief recording just to make sure the Time & Date
was saved accurately
Plug the device back into the PC and review the recordings
NOTE: The recording resolution can also be changed here, if the computer being used is unable to
process 2K resolution (2048x1080) you can lover the resolution for future recording.
VLC Media Player (recommended for optimal usage)
How to download and use VLC media (Windows)
Click the Blue “download VLC”
It will open a new window and begin downloading
If it does not automatically begin downloading, press the Click here and select one of the mirrored sites
Once downloading has completed select Run and install
Once finished a VLC icon will now be available on your PC
To default open a file in VLC media player, right click on the file you wish to open and select “open
with” and choose VLC
To change all files to default open with VLC media player: Right click and choose properties then click
on the “Change” button next to “open with” and change it to VLC and press OK. Now the files will default
open with VLC