Saturday 10AM to 6PM CST
SpyCentre.com Spy Shop
Since 1993 Toll Free # 1
How to take a Picture:
On the top of the pen is a silver Power button
Hold the Power button 3
5 seconds and a solid Blue LED light will be visible and a Green light will
automatically start blinking and disappear
Now a video recording has begun
To stop the recording tap the Power button again and a solid Blue LED light will appear putting the
device in standby mode
Tap the Power button quickly 2 times and a Blue and Green LED light will blink alternately indicat-
ing the device is in Photo mode on stand by
Tap the Power button quickly once and the Blue LED light will blink 2 times indicating a picture has
been take
The device will return to stand by picture mode with an alternating Blue and Green LED
To switch the device back to Video mode, tap the Power button quickly 2 times and a Blue and Green
LED light will become a solid Blue LED indicating the device is back in Video stand by mode
NOTE: If no action is taken after device is put in standby mode for 1 minute the device will turn itself
Off automatically
How to Record a video in Motion Detection mode:
On the top of the pen is a silver Power button
Hold the Power button 3
5 seconds and a solid Blue LED light will be visible and a Green light will
automatically start blinking and disappear
Now a video recording has begun
To stop the recording tap the Power button again and a solid Blue LED light will appear putting the
device in standby mode
Quickly tap the Power button 4 times and the Green LED light will begin blinking
Now the device is in stand by motion detection mode, and will record if it detects motion
The Green LED on the back will blink rapidly if motion has been detected
To pause the recording tap the Power button again a the Green LED light will begin blinking putting
the device in standby mode
To start another video recording tap the power button again
To exit motion detection mode tap the power button 4 times quickly and a Blue LED will appear and
the device will return to stand by mode.
NOTE: The motion detection mode does not extend the battery life of the unit
How to Turn Off the device:
On the top of the pen is a silver Power button
While in record mode, or standby mode simply press and hold the power button for 3
5 seconds
A Green LED light will come on and will quickly blink 4 times and turn off
The device is now turned off