Using recorder - manager application
This software is used for overview, export and replay of all stored data. When you start this
application you must open the image file, which is stored in internal memory of recorder.
When the recorder is connected to PC, it is detected as USB flash drive, containing file
„rcimage.raw“. When this action is complete, all records will be visible in recordings list. To
load each record, double click on selected record you whish to load. For using the detailed
view you should select only specific area by using mouse left and right button and clicking on
full record’s overview window. When the mouse is moved over this area, the time is visible in
bottom status bar. This time scale should be non-linear, when the voice activated recording
was used.
Recorder’s settings
All configuration is stored in internal memory. The configuration should be changed in main
menu by selecting „Options -> Recorder settings“. This windows is divided into 4 following