When you are having a barbecue, there is a risk of burns and fire.
This grilling device becomes very hot and must not
be moved during operation. Keep children away.
• Do not use in enclosed or confined spaces.
• Do not allow children to use the grill.
• Do not leave the grill unattended.
• If the device topples over, can cause injuries or fire.
Do not use spirit or petrol to ignite or re-ignite. Use
only safety fuel paste as ignition aids (EN 1860-3).
• Grill only with charcoal, not briquettes.
• Never clean the device base with water and do not place it into
water. This could seriously damage the product.
• Use the device always on a flat surface so that no burning coal can
fall out.
• Do not use the device on flammable surfaces or surfaces which
can be easily damaged.
• Do not make any modifications to the device.
• Eyes may sting immediately after igniting the coal. This quickly
wears off as soon as the coal catches fire.