SPRI HIP BAND Exercise Manual Download Page 1





Secure band around both legs just above knees. Kneel on floor with palms flat, 
back parallel to floor and head up.

Keeping knee bent, slowly lift exercising leg up and back above hip. Keep head up and 
palms flat on floor. Hold 1-2 seconds and return to start position.





Secure band around both legs just above knees and straighten knees. Lie on side 
and roll onto hip of non-exercise leg. Bend arms and position elbow of bottom 
arm directly below shoulder and hand of top arm on floor in front of hip.

Lie on back. Secure band around both legs just above knees and bend knees. 
Extend arms along sides of body and keep feet, hips, trunk and shoulders flat on 
the floor.

Lift top leg straight up and away from bottom leg while keeping bottom leg stationary 
on floor. Hold 1-2 seconds and return to start position.

Slowly lift hips and buttocks upward until knees, hips and shoulders are aligned. Keep 
back straight, feet flat on floor, and head and shoulders stationary on the floor. Hold 
1-2 seconds and return to start position.


E X E R C I S E   I N S T R U C T I O N

• Warm up for 3-5 minutes before each session.
• Complete 1–3 sets of 8–12 repetitions of each 

exercise selected.

• Rest approximately 30–60 seconds between each 

exercise set.

• Perform each exercise in a controlled manner, 

through a full range of motion.

• When applicable, perform an equal number of 

exercise repetitions with each leg to avoid the 
development of muscle imbalances.

• If unable to complete 8 exercise repetitions through 

a full range of motion, increase rest time between 
exercise sets or select a Hip Band that provides a 
lesser amount of resistance. Or if unable to achieve 
moderate to maximal muscular fatigue following 
the completion of 12 exercise repetitions through 
a full range of motion, decrease rest time between 
exercise sets or select the Resistance Tubes that 
will provide a greater amount of resistance.

• Perform each exercise a minimum of 3 times per 

week for maximum results.

• Allow 24–48 hours of complete rest between each 

exercise session.


E X E R C I S E   G U I D E



