SPL is mainly known for the development of highly specialized audio-tools.
Our philosophy, ”one product for one task”, is aimed at fast and simple opera-
tion in conjunction with high processing quality to ensure an excellent musical
With Track One SPL have produced a complete channel strip which for the
greater part is based on the processing concepts already successfully realized
in other products. The very complex task of a channel strip profits particu-
larly from the innovative techniques that have always allowed the operation
of SPL equipment to be efficient and objective. The ususal recording day is
to a high degree determined by a series of opposing time limits – the ”highly
paid” singer/speaker desires a quick recording; however, if technical prepa-
ration takes a long time because of unsuitable equipment, time will be lost,
increasing the costs and souring the working environment. The Track One
in all cases however allows fast production without any loss of professional
precision and diligence.
The Track One consists of pre-amplifiers optimized for all kinds of micro-
phones and instruments, SPL‘s acclaimed De-Esser, a compressor/limiter that
can be linked with the compressor of a second unit for stereo operation, an
equalizer (EQ) section for sound corrections or creations and an output stage
for perfectly feeding following units. A central display shows metering for
output level and gain reduction and all other status LEDs.
The Track One is a channel strip that excels primarily in two aspects: it is disar-
mingly easy to use and offers outstanding sound qualities.
This concept is ideally suited for alle kinds of vocal and instrument recor-
dings in studio, broadcast or live applications as well as for „one man show“
The controls are reduced to the necessary basics to ensure highest user-
friendliness. Therefore, working with the Track One can be dramatically time-
saving which is most important especially in live situations.
Due to its excellent sound quality the Track One is a highly recommended
alternative to built-in console pre-amps and processing tools. All the modules
are immediately at hand for fast interactions. Recording a voice and providing
clarity, detail and intelligibility is a question of seconds.
Optionally the Track One can be equipped with a 24 bit/96 kHz Ad converter
for direct digital recording. An additional connector allows to insert a second
signal - if for example two Track Ones are used to process stereo material,
only one converter is needed.
The second option is a Lundahl transformer input stage. These transformers
already amplify the microphone signals by factor 5 – the preamps are relieved
by this factor, which improves noise values and linearity of the amplification
in the high frequency spectrum.
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com