Control Elements
The Threshold control determines the compressor threshold value. The value
scale for the THRESHOLD control indicates the level in dBu. Turning fully left
provides no control, and fully right provides compression starting at a level of
approximately –40 dBu.
The RATIO control is used to set the ratio between the original signal and the
compressed signal. A ratio of 1:4 means that a level increase of 4 dB on the
input results in an output change of 1 dB. The more the control is turned right,
the more ‘dense’ the sound becomes. Turned fully right the unit works as a
The ATTACK control determines the time the compressor needs to achieve a
reduction of 63% at a level jump of 20 dB. When turned fully left this time is
approximately 100 ms, and turned fully right the time is approximately 0.9 s.
When Progressive Time Control is enabled the effect is somewhat different:
now you are determining the degree to which the fast signal jumps are
compressed, whereas the attack time is automatically optimized (adapted).
Progressive Time Control mode is often advantageous, since the attack time
is only as fast as is necessary for the respective signal. The result is consider-
ably unobtrusive and thus more musical compression behavior without unde-
sired side-effects.
The RELEASE control is used to set the time the compressor needs to back off
by 63% to the original value. Turned fully left this time is approximately 30 ms,
or approximately 2 s for fully right. If Progressive Time Control is enabled,
the Release control is used to set the average value to which the automatic
release time is set back. The more the control is turned right, the slower the
averaging. This gives much better results than with the conventional method
of rigid release time control especially with complex musical material.
The MAKE UP GAIN controller is used to change the output level within a
range of approximately –22 dB to +22 dB. For compression you thus set the
value that is indicated on the VU meter in GAIN REDUCT MODE. Actuating
the ACTIVE switch makes the volume increase perceptible. With the built-in
digital converter option the MAKE UP GAIN control is also used to set the level
for the converter. In DE-COMP mode the MAKE UP GAIN control works exactly
in reverse: Turning fully CW results in a damping of –22 dB, whereas fully left
results in a gain of +22 dB.