IM-P054-07 CH Issue 1
Spirax-Monnier Products
General Safety, Installation and Maintenance Guidelines
For Maximum Pressures/Temperatures
see overleaf
As with all Pressurised Systems, do NOT
attempt ANY Installation or Maintenance
function if there is ANY pressure in the
product or connected system.
Spirax Monnier compressed air products are of
well proven and simple design, with high natu-
ral levels of designed safety built in. However,
used or installed incorrectly, their performance
and that of the system they are protecting or
controlling, may suffer. The information given
indicates the product limiting conditions, main-
tenance and installation requirements and any
specific component disposal needs.
Product Maintenance - See Over
Installation and Operation
Filters, Filter/Regulators, Lubricators, Flow
Meters, Separators and Drain Traps should
be fitted in horizontal pipelines, with the
bowls vertically downwards.
2. Regulators and Ball Valves can be installed
in any position.
On Pressure Regulators and combined
Filter/regulators, a Pressure Gauge can be
connected to one of the
" ports.
The gauge should be selected to cover the
maximum pressure range of the main
Control Spring. The gauge will indicate the
downstream or controlled pressure.
Ensure that the Control Spring range for
Regulators and Filter/Regulators fully meets
the pressure requirements of the system.
There are Maximum Operating Pressures,
and Maximum Operating and Environmental
Temperatures for each product.
These are shown in the table below.
Adequate space should be provided around
any product to allow easy access for
routine servicing requirements.
Products fitted with a Bowl ( Polycarbonate
or Metal ) should be adequately drained -
manually or automatically - to reduce the
potentially harmful effects of water carryover.
WARNING Polycarbonate Bowls and Sight
Domes, and Sight Levels fitted to Metal
bowls, may be attacked by Phosphate
Ester based fluids, Solvents, Chemical
cleaners, Carbon Tetrachloride, etc. These
and other similar substances should
never be allow to come into contact with
these product components. Certain
compressor lubricating oils also contain
additives harmful to these components.
Where there is any doubt, we recommend,
in the interests of safety, that Bowl
Guards or Metal Bowls are fitted.
9. Local regulations may restrict the use of
this product below the conditions quoted.
10. For more detailed information on any
individual product, please ask for the
appropriate Technical Information Sheet
listed in the table.