If the twist system has been activated, make sure that the wheels are locked again before loading the stretcher into the ambulance as
this can be risky and difficult with the front wheels unlocked.
Movement with four swivel wheels can be very difficult on sloping or uneven ground. Carefully assess the conditions of use before
unlocking the front wheel pivot.
If the device is used in conjunction with restraint systems such as spine boards and/or vacuum mattresses, make sure that the patient is
secured to the stretcher and the restraint system so that the patient is safe while the vehicle is moving. In case of doubt about the
procedures to be used, refer to the operating protocols of your relative 118 service.
The device is intended for professional use only. All operators must be trained to transport patients safely and efficiently. Do not allow
untrained persons to help while using the product, as they may cause injury to themselves or others.
Operators using the device should be physically able to use the device and have good muscle coordination, as well as strong back, arms, and
legs for lifting and holding and be able to grasp the device firmly with both hands.
Operators must be able to provide the necessary patient care.
Users must be able to safely lift and handle the weight of the stretcher and patient together and any other equipment used with the
For patient loading techniques for particularly heavy patients, for operations on steep terrain or in special and unusual circumstances, the
presence of multiple operators is recommended (not just 2 as expected in standard conditions).
The ability of each operator must be assessed before the definition of rescuer roles in use of the stretcher.
The residual risks listed below have been identified solely with reference to the intended use of the device.
Use by untrained personnel may result in injury to the patient, rescuer or third parties.
Inadequate disinfection procedures may lead to risk of cross-infection.
Partial opening of the legs may result in the device falling to the ground. Make sure that the legs are properly locked before any handling
and that the pistons are fully extended and stable.
If the stretcher is not locked on the fixing system or if it is not correctly positioned, this can result in dangerous movements, especially in
the event of strong medical vehicle deceleration, which can cause damage to the patient and the operators. Always make sure that the
locking system is properly engaged.
Failure to observe the warnings for operators can lead to risks of crushing caused by the moving mechanisms.
Accidental operation of the variable height system may result in the stretcher falling, causing injury to the patient and/or operators.
Make sure that the unlocking handle is not accidentally activated.
The operators should prepare to fully load the stretcher with the patient and accessories before operating the variable height unlocking
control. Operating this control without applying sufficient support force will result in the stretcher falling unexpectedly and causing injury
to the patient or operators.
Failure to read and understand the product instructions may result in injury to the patient and operators.