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81408-4r2 MPD Series Installation and User Guide
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Opening comms with the MPD unit
With the GUI configured correctly and connected to an RS232/485 port it will start
communicating directly with the MPD
: the GUI dialog’s controls/data fields will be
populated with data and status from the MPD.
As can be seen the GUI contains many controls that are grouped into areas. The following
paragraphs briefly discuss each of these groups of controls.
Monitoring the MPD Unit
Various groups of controls are provided to monitor the MPD outputs and status.
Output Monitors
The controls shown below display the current operating status of the HV output voltage
and current monitors, along with the 24V rail and temperature. This shows the raw (bits)
data and scaled product.
System Status
The ‘Status’ group of flags provide the user with feedback regarding system fault,
regulation or current trip conditions.
Flag colours.
The ‘HW Enabled’ and ‘SW Enabled flags are described in following section.