4.3 Other Settings
Blue Screen
Available options: On, Off.
Audio Only
Available options: On, Off.
Once Audio Only function is On, this TV will play the audio only. And press MENU
button will resume normal playing.
4.4 Restore Default
This item is used to reset to factory default settings.
- Input the password by pressing number buttons on remote control.
The factory default password is 0000.
5.1 Change Password
- Press RIGHT navigation button or ENTER button to enter it.
- Press number buttons to input the Enter Old Password item.
- Then the screen will display Enter New Password and Confirm Password items.
5.2 System Lock
Available options: On, Off.
5.3 Input Block
This item is used to block the input source.
5.4 US Rating
- Press RIGHT navigation button or ENTER button to enter it.
- Press navigation buttons to move the cursor.
- Press ENTER button to block or unblock it.