10. Now tale the supplied control rods and place the z-bend in the servo horn.
(Tip: for more throw, use the highest hole in the servo arm and the lowest
hole in the elevon horn. For lower throws, use the lowest hole in the servo
horn and the highest hole in the elevon horn). Hold your elevon slightly up
(about ¼” up) and mark where you will bend the wire to an “L”. Bend wire
and connect to elevon control horn. Use supplied Dubro EZ-Links to
connect the control wire to the elevons.
11. Slide the battery in the mount.
Center of Gravity:
The center of gravity is located at 5 ¾” from the nose of the wing. If your wing
doesn’t balance at this point after installing your gear, you can bury a small
amount of solder (just enough to balance) in close to the leading edge of the
wing. Just slit the foam as you did for the antenna, and press the solder into the
slit. Close the slit with a bit of thin CA.