Seamless Switching/Fade-in Fade-out Settings
Fig.10.8 Switching Menu
Table 10.2 Descriptions on Switching Menu
Serial No.
Channels and resolutions to be switched
Time for switching the special effect: seamless switching (0.0); fade-in fade-out
Output channels and resolutions at the switching state
Machine being in switching state
As shown in Fig. 10.8, the value in circle of the default menu is the fade-in fade-out
switching time. Rotate the knob left and right at the default menu to adjust the fade-in fade-out
switching time. The more is the switching time, the longer fade-in fade-out effect we obtain.
When the switching time is zero, the menu is in the seamless switching state.
Adjust the required switching time and press TAKE key on the panel to realize the
switching. As seen in Fig. 10.8, DVI1 is the channel switched out and can be output; VGA1 is
the channel and the resolution to be switched out. At the switching state, the user shall know the
list of source input conflicts.