take longer to charge the battery from a computer’s USB
port than from the AC adapter.
You can ask the receiver not to allow the charging of the
battery through the USB port when this port is connected
to a computer. To do this:
– Press the Windows key
– Select
Settings, System
– Clear the option:
When equipment opens and links to PC,
do not carry out battery charging
– Tap
Extracting the Battery from the Compartment
Lever the battery out of its compartment using the stylus or a
flat screwdriver. (The flat end of the stylus is inserted in the
groove located on the bottom side of the battery, as shown
Likewise, extracting the SIM card or micro SD card from the
battery compartment requires the use of a spiky-tipped tool
to pull the card out of its slot.
USB Connection
By default, the mini-USB connector is set to allow a
connection to a computer using Active Sync. You just need to
connect the USB cable provided between the receiver’s mini-
USB connector and any computer fitted with a standard USB
connector. Provided Microsoft ActiveSync has been installed
on the computer, a serial connection will be initiated
automatically when you plug the cable. You can then use this
connection to exchange files, explore the receiver’s file