Introduction to Spectra Chemicals
We use four types of chemicals: SC
1, SC
2, SC
3, and propylene glycol antifreeze. SC
1 and
propylene glycol are for system storage, while SC
2 and SC
3 are for membrane cleaning.
Note: Never use any chemicals with the system pressurized!
Always open the pressure relief
valve 1/2 turn. Always follow the instructions for purging the chemicals as shown in the New
System Startup section of your owner
s manual.
1 prevents biological growth when your system is idle. It should not be used as a
cleaning chemical, nor will it protect your system from freezing. A jar of SC
1 is mixed with 1 to
2 gallons of product or dechlorinated fresh water in a bucket and circulated through the sys-
tem for 10 minutes. This treatment will protect the system for six months, after which the SC
treatment must be repeated. To use SC
1, follow the instructions for
Ventura MPC Storage
on the following page.
Spectra systems should be stored with propylene glycol if freezing is likely to occur. This is a
food grade antifreeze used to winterize RV
s, boats, and cabins. Propylene glycol also works
very well for preventing biological growth in warm climates and is good for one year. See
terizing with Antifreeze
1 document on the Spectra website).
Note: Do not use metasodium
bisulfate, Citric Acid, or any other storage chemical not sup-
plied by Spectra.
These chemicals, used to store other watermaker brands, are very acidic and
will damage the Clark Pump and void the warranty.
: Cleaning can be detrimental to the membrane and shorten its life. Avoid unneces-
sary cleaning, and avoid cleaning as a diagnostic tool.
is an alkaline cleaner used to remove light oil, grime and biological growth. It is most
effective if heated to 120 deg. F, which is difficult on a boat. In most cases the water quality
will increase in PPM (salinity) after an SC
2 cleaning. After a few hours it should recover to
near the level it produced before the cleaning
is an acid cleaner used to remove mineral and scale deposits. In most cases this is used
first and if there is no improvement, go on to the SC
2. SC
3 will in most cases lower the prod-
uct PPM and overall pressures. Scaling is a slow process that may take several months or
years. SC
3 is less harmful to the membrane and will almost always improve the performance
of an older membrane.
For cleaning with either SC
2 or SC
3, see the
Cleaning Procedure