Tape Carousel Upgrade Guide for Spectra Logic Libraries
Page 11
Prepare the New Carousel
Replace the Tape Guides on the Spectra 4000 and 5000 Carousels.
The backstops on the Spectra 4000 and Spectra 5000 carousels are part of the molded plastic tape guides that
snap onto the upper carousel ring. The white arrow in Figure 9 points to a backstop. The black arrows in
Figure 9 point to the four latches that fasten the tape guide to the carousel. Remove the tape guide from each
position that needs to be a pass through slot and install a the pass through tape guides included in the carousel
upgrade kit.
1. Remove the tape guide from the upper carousel ring, see Figure 10. Spread the latches apart, one pair
at a time, while pushing down on the tape guide so the latches are not hooked onto the carousel. Do
this for both the inner and outer pair of latches on the tape guide. You can now remove the tape guide.
2. Install a new pass through tape guide. Align the latches on the tape guide with the slots on the carousel
and snap the tape guide in place.
The tape guide can only be installed one way.
Figure 9: Tape guide backstop and plastic latches
Figure 10: Spread the latches to remove the backstop