It’s all about workflow.
Professional Disc system
brings you the efficient workflow of
file-based recording, plus the comfort,
reliability, and predictability of a
medium that you can exchange like
tape. It provides the advantages of
both conventional VTR operation and
cutting-edge IT features like high-speed
data transmission and proxy A/V data
management. With these advantages
comes a highly sophisticated and
comprehensive workflow for your
A crucial component of the XDCAM
HD system is Sony’s Professional Disc
media which was co-engineered with
XDCAM hardware equipment to assure
maximum compatibility, stability, and
performance in extreme temperature,
humidity, and vibration environments.
High density recording.
Sony’s blue-violet laser technology
means extraordinary high density
recording. This enables Sony to provide
high capacity discs that support
various video recording workflows.
The formatted 23GB* single-layer disc
(PFD23A/3) holds up to 43 minutes, the
50GB* dual-layer disc (PFD50DLA/3)
holds up to 95 minutes, and the
100GB* triple-layer disc (PFD100TLA)
holds up to 190 minutes of material
at the best quality (HD 422, 50 Mbps).
The 128GB* quad-layer write-once disc
(PFD128QLW) holds up to 240 minutes
of recording capability at 50Mbps.
Affordable, removable,
archivable media.
Depending on the feature set of your
recorder, Professional Disc media can
capture a wide range of video formats,
including DVCAM
standard definition, as well as XDCAM
HD and XDCAM MPEG HD422. When
used with select decks, the entire disc
capacity can be used for writing data
files of any type. This gives the XDCAM
disc format expanded flexibility beyond
video content.
Unlike some other tapeless media,
Professional Disc media can be used
for everything from acquisition to
program exchange, editing, play-to-air,
and archiving.
Professional Disc
• Quick random access with near-line
One of the great benefits of
optical disc is instant access to your
clip. There’s no fast forward, no rewind,
no need to “cue up” to the end of the
last recorded portion.
• Dust- and shock-resistant cartridge.
Helps to protect the disc surface from
fingerprints and dirt.
• Incredible durability.
Thanks to non-
contact recording and playback, the
disc supports up to 1,000 read/write/
erase cycles (Re-writable disc only).
• Amazing archival life.
Disc has an estimated shelf life of 50
years in accelerated testing.
* 1 GB = 1 billion bytes.
Actual formatted capacity will be less.
Professional Disc