Spectare SP 02934 User Manual Download Page 7

user's guide

Spectare PhotoSaver

user's guide

Spectare PhotoSaver

user's guide

Spectare PhotoSaver

user's guide

Spectare PhotoSaver

user's guide

Spectare PhotoSaver

user's guide

Spectare PhotoSaver

user's guide

Spectare PhotoSaver















2.5" inch 5MP CMOS sensor (5,174,400 pixels)

Focus Range: 

Fixed focus

Exposure : 


Color balance:  


Scan high resolution:   3,600 dpi interpolation resolution
Data conversion: 

10 bits per color channel

Scan Method:  

Single pass

Light source: 

Backlight(3 white LED)


3600 DPI:  5184x3600 or 1800 DPI: 2592x1800


Powered from USB


USB 2.0

Operating System: 

Windows XP/VISTA  (32 bit or 64 bit)


BlazePhoto & Scanner driver


5.8” H x 8.2” W x 8.7”  L


English,French,German,Italian,Spanish, Traditional 

Chinese,Simplified Chinese,Japanese

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two 

conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept 

any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Technical Specifications


PROBLEM:   PhotoSaver will not connect to the computer and you will get an error message that says 

“Can not find camera”.

SOLUTION:   Check your operating system:  At the time of release the PhotoSaver is only compatible 

with Windows XP and Windows Vista.  To check your Windows operating system version 

go to the START Menu under windows, Highlight “My Computer” with the cursor and 

press the Right button of the mouse.  In the Pull down menu select “PROPERTIES” this 

will give the operating system version and service pack number.  


Please make sure you have the following specs on your computer:



300 MB or more of free and available space on the hard disk



A least 512 MB of RAM memory.



Windows XP service pack 2 or higher. If you have Windows XP Service 

Pack 1 you must either update your computer via the Microsoft Update or 

install the Direct-X drivers that are included on your CD.



USB 2.0 port on your computer



If you have Windows Vista please verify that you have installed the 

appropriate 32 bit or 64 bit drivers.


If you still can not get the PhotoSaver to connect try the following steps:

1.  Launch BlazePhoto-- choose GET PHOTO and SCANNER & VIDEO DEVICE.   

Ensure that 'OVT Scanner' is selected.


step 1 again.

3  USB CONNECTION:   disconnect ALL of the other USB devices from your computer 

including the PhotoSaver-- Then Restart your computer.    After restart connect the 

PhotoSaver to a DIFFERENT USB port-- make sure it is connected directly to the 

computer and not through a Hub.    We have noted that some computers have 

maybe one port as a USB 1.0 connection and another port that is a USB 2.0 

connection-- so you need to figure out which connection will work the best.

4.  REINSTALL THE DRIVERS:   go to http://spectareproducts.com/support/ and select 

the PhotoSaver Product.  Then download the latest set of software drivers available 

through the website.   Follow the instructions on the website to uninstall the old 

drivers and reinstall the new ones.

Troubleshooting Cont...




On Windows XP Click on Start and then rollover the MY COMPUTER icon 



Right click the MY COMPUTER icon and select Properties.



On the properties Window Select the hardware tab and then click on the 

Device Manager.


Leave your device manager window open and plug in the PhotoSaver. The Device 

Manager Screen will refresh and you may see an icon that appears as an "unknown 

device".   From the device manager window click on the "unknown device".   From 

the window for this device click on the “Driver” tab and then click the option to 

"reinstall driver".   Follow the instructions to reinstall the driver automatically.     

Afterward it should find the right driver, "OVT Scanner" and install this for you.

PROBLEM :  I am using a different software other than BlazePhoto to capture and edit my images.
SOLUTION:  You can use any “Twain” compatible software to capture images and edit the images.  

Adobe PhotoShop


, PhotoShop Elements


 or other  party image editing software can be 

used if desired.  If you are using software other than BlazePhoto you still must install the 

Drivers for the PhotoSaver that are included on the CD ROM.   Please refer to the user 

manual and support for the software you are using.    Spectare Products can not 

troubleshoot or support software related problems when using these other solutions.

PROBLEM:   Blurry images
SOLUTION: Please ensure that the work space you are using is stable and does not have any moving 

objects on it. Even the slightest vibrations can cause blurred images.  Also, make sure 

there are no dust particles or hairs on your slides or on the PhotoSaver - see page 10 for 

instructions on cleaning the PhotoSaver


http://spectareproducts.com    then click on SUPPORT








The PhotoSaver

Ready Lights:

These lights will be illuminated to show that

either the slide or negative is loaded correctly,

or that a print is loaded correctly

USB Connection

Use this port to connect the USB cable

to your PC Computer.  This allows for 

transfer of images to your computer 

plus gives power to the device.

Capture Button:

Press this button to capture and

save the image that is loaded in 

the holder.

Slot for Slide or

Negative Holder

Insert the holder from the

RIGHT Side only.

Input Selection

Slide BOTH switches to the PRINT

position or FILM/SLIDES according

to the type of image.

Slot for Print Holder

Insert either the 3 1/2 x 5, 4x6 

or 5x7 print holder from the

Top Side.

Loading Negatives

Loading Prints

Capturing images

Loading Slides

Transferring Images

Using Blaze Photo

Cleaning & Maintenance

Unpacking your Product


Read First

Unpack your PhotoSaver and take out the CD 

ROM first.
IMPORTANT: Before connecting to the 

PhotoSaver to the computer for the first time 

insert the CD ROM and choose the following 

options on the CD:  

1. Install the Driver.

2.  Install the BlazePhoto Software.

3.  Install Directx 9.0: 

     NOTE: if you are running Windows XP 

Service Pack 2 or higher or Windows 

Vista and XP professional this is not 


4.  Install Acrobat Reader if you do not 

have this installed on your computer 



After restart, connect the USB cable from the 

PhotoSaver to your computer.   Connect the 

small end of the USB cable to the PhotoSaver 

Unit,  then connected the large end of the 

USB cable to the computer.

NOTE:  If many USB devices are connected to your 

computer such as Mobile Phones, Media players or 

other USB powered devices there may be inadequate 

power for the PhotoSaver.  Please unplug all 

unneeded USB devices before using the PhotoSaver.

Upon the first connection of the PhotoSaver 

the Hardware Wizard will automatically 

launch.  Choose the selection to search and 

automatically install the hardware drivers.  

Then follow the on-screen instructions for the 

Hardware wizard to install your drivers into 

your system.

Hold up the negative toward the light.  As you 

look through the negative you should be able 

to read the small negative numbers normally 

(not a mirror image).   

Open the negative holder at the marked spot 

With the negative holder laid open, place the 

negative into holder as shown so the notches 

line up with the notches on the holder.

NOTE:  Handle negatives with care. Any dust, 

scratches or fingerprints will show up on your 

saved images.   If possible use cotton gloves 

when handling negativesIt is recommended 

to use compressed air to remove any dust on 

the negatives.  These items are not included 

with the PhotoSaver but can be purchased 

from an office supply, camera or electronics 


Close the Negative holder and press the 

edges so that it locks in place.

Insert the negative holder into the slot on the 

RIGHT side of the PhotoSaver as shown.

Push the holder into the PhotoSaver gently 

and it should lock into place on the first 


Next,  put BOTH levers on the Top of the 

PhotoSaver to the Film/Slide position.   You 

are now ready to Capture images-- see 

Capturing images on Page 8 for more details. 

For questions and support on this product that can not be solved 

by your retailer please contact:

Spectare Products

6081 Meridian Ave Suite 70-308

San Jose, CA 95120


[email protected]

Copyright© 2009 SuMaWah LLC All rights reserved. The Spectare® name and logo are registered 

trademarks of SuMaWah LLC. BlazePhoto® is a registered trademark of BlazeVideo Inc. Microsoft 

DirectX®,Windows XP and Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc. Adobe Acrobat® is a 

registered trademark of Adobe Inc.

Hold up the slide toward the light.  Face 

the trademark side of the slide away from 

you.   Look through the slide and it should 

appear normally (not a mirror image).   

Open the slide holder at the marked spot.

With the slide holder laid open, place the 

slide into recessed area in the holder as 

shown-- the slide should fit perfectly.

NOTE:  Handle slides with care. any dust, 

scratches or fingerprints will show up on 

your saved images.   If possible use cotton 

gloves when handling slides.  It is 

recommended to use compressed air to 

remove any dust on the negatives.  These 

items are not included with the PhotoSaver 

but can be purchased from an office 

supply, camera or electronics retailer.

Close the slide holder and press the edges 

so that it locks in place.

Insert the Slide holder into the slot on the 

RIGHT side of the PhotoSaver as shown.

Push the holder into the PhotoSaver gently 

and it should lock into place on the first 


Next,  put BOTH levers on the Top of the 

PhotoSaver to the Film/Slide position.   

You are now ready to Capture images-- 

see Capturing Images on Page 8 for more 


Adjusting color and exposure:


Press the Color/Brightness adjustment button 

to bring up the control panel.


Make adjustments to the brightness and color 

on the control panel and note the changes on 

the preview image.


Click the Exit button to save the settings.

Manual Controls:


If you selected “Open Brightness Manual 

Control Box” from the preferences window you 

will see an additional control panel.  From this 

panel select “MANUAL” and then set the  

“Dark Level” to further darken the images.  If 

the “AUTO” button is selected then Dark Level 

setting will be ignored.

To Capture Images:
NOTE:  To get the best quality capture please wait a 

few seconds for the image to adjust.  


Click  “CAPTURE” on the preview window or 

press          on the PhotoSaver


The captured images will appear as 

thumbnails on the film icon above.


You may store up to 12 images before saving 

them to your computer

IMPORTANT:  After capturing the images you need to 

save them to your computer.  If you exit the preview 

window before pressing the SAVE button the images 

on the film strip area will be lost.
To Save Images:


To delete a captured image select the image 

and press the “DELETE”  button.


Click the “SAVE” button to transfer all of the 

images in the filmstrip area to your computer.  

After the transfer is completed, press the 

“CAPTURE” button again to continue. The 

previous images will be deleted from the 

thumbnail view.


After you are finished click EXIT to return to 

the Blaze Photo Application. 

Using BlazePhoto:
After exiting the capture window the images you 

saved will appear in  BlazePhoto main window in the 

directory that was chosen.  These images and can be 

edited using BlazePhoto.

There are many editing features that can be 

accomplished using the software.  Pease refer to the 

BlazePhoto Supplement Guide that is included in the 

User Manual on the CD ROM or go to 

http://www.blazevideo.com/  for more details  and 

support on using this software.

After installation of the PhotoSaver Driver, 

BlazePhoto and connection of the PhotoSaver to 

the computer as described on page 3:


Click on the START menu of your 

Windows PC and go to ALL PROGRAMS 

then launch BlazePhoto from the 

programs menu, wait for the application to 


“BlazePhoto” Window.


Choose “GET PHOTO” from the menu 


Choose “Acquire from Photo Scanner” for 

capturing prints  - OR - “ Acquire from Film 

Scanner” for capturing slides or negatives.

“Select Scanner & Video Device” Window




Save files in:  press the “..” button to the 

right and select the location that the 

scanned images will be transferred into. 


Color depth:  Select 32 or 48 bit color.


DPI:  Choose 1800 or 3600 DPI resolution


Media Type: Choose media you are 



Slides, negatives or black&white negatives


3x5, 4x6 or 5x7 prints


Open Brightness Manual Control Box: 

Select this option to open an addition 

control panel to control the brightness.


After all settings have been made click the 

OK button.

“OTV”  Scanner Window.
This window will show you a preview of the image 

that is loaded to the PhotoSaver holder.  

NOTE:  When you capturing 3 1/2 x 5” or 4x6” 

prints you will see the entire holder area including 

the border around the print, however this border 

will be cropped according to the photo size 

selection you made on the preference screen 

once the image is saved.

Periodically and after consistent use the PhotoSaver 

should be cleaned using a compressed air canister to 

clean the dust out of the inside chamber.  


Insert the end of the straw from the 

compressed air canister into the door on the 

right side so that it opens.


Hold the can in an upright position and gently 

blow out any dust on the inside of the 


NOTE:  Compressed air is not included with the 

PhotoSaver but can be purchased from an office 

supply, photo supply or electronics retailer.
When not in use please disconnect the PhotoSaver 

from the computer and store in a clean, dry and 

dust-free environment.























Select the appropriate holder according to the 

print size that you wish to capture

3 1/2 x 5”



Hold the print in your hand and slide it into 

the holder right side up.  Make sure it slides 

all the way to the bottom of the holder.

Next insert the holder into the slot at the top 

of the PhotoSaver.  Make sure that the image 

is facing towards the PhotoSaver controls as 


Next,  put BOTH levers on the top of the 

PhotoSaver to the PRINTS position.   You are 

now ready to Capture images-- see Capturing 

images on Page 8 for more details.

After capturing the image remove the print 

and insert a new one for the next capture.

There is a thumb hole on the back of the 

holder for easy removal of the print.













Film Scanner preferences

Photo Scanner preferences


Read First .................................................................

Unpacking your product ...........................................

Installation   ..............................................................

The PhotoSaver  ......................................................

Loading Prints............................................................

Loading Slides...........................................................

Loading Negatives   ................................................

Capturing images ......................................................

Transferring Images  ................................................. 

Using Blaze Photo  .................................................... 

Cleaning and Maintenance ........................................


Technical Specifications ..............................................















Spectare is a registered trademark of SuMaWah LLC. © 2009



Please contact the original retail location where this product was 

purchased to obtain warranty information and service.

User Guide

Model:  SP 02934

The following items should be included:

Please contact your retailer if you have not 

received any of these items



USB Cable

CD ROM Installer


Negative Holder

Slide Holder

Three Photo Holders

Discarded electric appliances are recyclable and should not be discarded in 

domestic waste.  Please actively support us in conserving resources and 

protecting the environment by returning this appliance to the collection 

centers (if available).

Please observe the local regulations regarding the 

disposal of exhausted batteries and old equipment.

Thank you for purchasing the Spectare PhotoSaver. Please take some time to read 

through and follow these important safety and operation instructions.







VENTILATION - The device should be situated so that its location or position does not 

interfere with its proper ventilation.  For example, the unit should not be 

situated on a bed, sofa, rug or similar surface that may block the ventilation 


HEAT - The device should be situated away from sources of high heat such as radiators 

or stoves.

USB POWER SOURCE - The device should be connected to a USB power supply from 

a connected computer with USB 2.0 compliant connection.

CLEANING - We strongly suggest using a clean, dry, non-alcohol cotton swab to insert 

into the device and clean the glass surface periodically to produce a clear 


NON USE PERIOD - The USB cord for the device should be unplugged from the 

computer when the unit is left unused for a long period of time.

USB OVERLOADING - Do not overload the USB connections on your computer.  

Disconnect  other USB devices such as a wireless mouse, MP3 Player, 

mobile phone or other USB powered devices.  If too many devices are 

connected to the computer their may be inadequate power for the 

PhotoSaver to operate properly

SERVICING - The user should not attempt to service the device beyond those means 

described in the operating instructions.  All other servicing should be 

referred to qualified service personnel.















Summary of Contents for SP 02934

Page 1: ...User Guide Model SP 02934...

Page 2: ...hoto is a registered trademark of BlazeVideo Inc Microsoft DirectX Windows XP and Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft Inc Adobe Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Inc Contact Read Fir...

Page 3: ...of high heat such as radiators or stoves USB POWER SOURCE The device should be connected to a USB power supply from a connected computer with USB 2 0 compliant connection CLEANING We strongly suggest...

Page 4: ...cking your Product a b c d The following items should be included Please contact your retailer if you have not received any of these items PhotoSaver USB Cable CD ROM Installer Negative Holder Slide H...

Page 5: ...S IS IMPORTANT After restart connect the USB cable from the PhotoSaver to your computer Connect the small end of the USB cable to the PhotoSaver Unit then connected the large end of the USB cable to t...

Page 6: ...ter This allows for transfer of images to your computer plus gives power to the device Capture Button Press this button to capture and save the image that is loaded in the holder Slot for Slide or Neg...

Page 7: ...t insert the holder into the slot at the top of the PhotoSaver Make sure that the image is facing towards the PhotoSaver controls as shown Next put BOTH levers on the top of the PhotoSaver to the PRIN...

Page 8: ...ossible use cotton gloves when handling slides It is recommended to use compressed air to remove any dust on the negatives These items are not included with the PhotoSaver but can be purchased from an...

Page 9: ...sible use cotton gloves when handling negatives It is recommended to use compressed air to remove any dust on the negatives These items are not included with the PhotoSaver but can be purchased from a...

Page 10: ...scanned images will be transferred into Color depth Select 32 or 48 bit color DPI Choose 1800 or 3600 DPI resolution Media Type Choose media you are scanning Slides negatives or black white negatives...

Page 11: ...ture please wait a few seconds for the image to adjust Click CAPTURE on the preview window or press on the PhotoSaver The captured images will appear as thumbnails on the film icon above You may store...

Page 12: ...r more details and support on using this software Periodically and after consistent use the PhotoSaver should be cleaned using a compressed air canister to clean the dust out of the inside chamber Ins...

Page 13: ...0 port on your computer If you have Windows Vista please verify that you have installed the appropriate 32 bit or 64 bit drivers If you still can not get the PhotoSaver to connect try the following st...

Page 14: ...other than BlazePhoto to capture and edit my images SOLUTION You can use any Twain compatible software to capture images and edit the images Adobe PhotoShop PhotoShop Elements or other party image ed...

Page 15: ...rom USB Interface USB 2 0 Operating System Windows XP VISTA 32 bit or 64 bit Software BlazePhoto Scanner driver Dimensions 5 8 H x 8 2 W x 8 7 L Language English French German Italian Spanish Traditio...

Page 16: ...tion for your lifetime of memories organizing and enjoying brings you an exciting and easy way to share your memories with anyone at any time and anywhere BlazePhoto supports most popular image format...

Page 17: ...disc or create slideshow DVD Share Photos Print single or multiple images send email batch resize rename and change image format 1 3 System Requirements Basic Recommended CPU Intel Celeron 400MHz or h...

Page 18: ...w blazevideo com 4 Appearance Operation Guide 3 1 Importing Photos You can get photos from hard disk folder Scanner Video Device Camera Removable Device you can also freely search for your desired pho...

Page 19: ...folder tree on the left of the main window Get Photo from Scanner Video Device 1 Capture photo from scanner or video device the captured photos will be saved into the specified folder Drop down click...

Page 20: ...l appear you can also continually capture image after selecting the image and the image will be saved into the specified directory BlazePhoto will auto display the captured images as thumbnails in Pre...

Page 21: ...ill be transmitted into specified folder Click Transmit All all images in the device will be transmitted into specified folder BlazePhoto will auto display all the selected images Search on Local Disc...

Page 22: ...image default is 50K 3 Click Search button to start searching files click Stop Search to stop searching files 4 After search finishing all the images will be listed in Search Results area click a sele...

Page 23: ...te New Tag Right click to select New Tag you will create a new tag Create new sub tag Move mouse to an existing tag right click to select New Tag you will create a new sub tag under this tag Type your...

Page 24: ...ll display at the left bottom of these images 6 Remove Tag Right click a tagged image select Remove Tag and select the desired tag name you want to remove the tag icon will disappear from the image 7...

Page 25: ...ges 3 Small Thumbnails display small thumbnails of all the images 4 Preview_Thumbnail upper area displays the selected image with large size below area display thumbnails of all the other images 5 Ful...

Page 26: ...selected image Set the selected image as desktop wallpaper Locate the selected image on hard disk Show properties of the selected image 2 Move mouse to blank space between thumbnails right click to po...

Page 27: ...1 Select a photo and click Hold button in Picture Tray 2 Select a photo and drag it into Picture Tray 3 Select a photo and right click to select Hold in Picture Tray Clear Photos from Picture Tray 1...

Page 28: ...click Reset to keep the original status Resize Default is to Manual resize there are below three ways to resize 1 Drag the arrow button around the image to resize the current image size will display...

Page 29: ...s Free Crop Free Crop Move highlight area or freely drag the arrow button around the image to select crop area Keep Aspect Ratio Select to keep the width to height ratio as same as original image Clic...

Page 30: ...riginal status Adjust Color To change brightness contrast hue and saturation of the image Drag the slide bar or click button to adjust Click Apply to apply the result click Reset to keep the original...

Page 31: ...e enhance effects Normalize Stretch Equalize Click one desired effect to enhance image Click Apply to apply the result click Reset to keep the original status 3 Create Add Text Type characters in Edit...

Page 32: ...blazevideo com 18 can modify the size and color of text Add Clips Click and select a clip in the clip list the clip will be added into the image Click Apply to add clips click other clip you will cha...

Page 33: ...Click and select a frame in the frame list the frame will be added into the image Click Apply to add frames left click the frame you will select other frame Filter Select a filter drag the intension...

Page 34: ...el last operation 2 Redo repeat last operation 3 Copy copy selected item onto clipboard 4 Paste paste the item on clipboard onto image 5 Delete delete the selected items such as added clip frame or te...

Page 35: ...ate button or click the relative create button at the right bottom of the main interface to select your desired create items Create Disc Backup and burn image collections in the Picture Tray into CD d...

Page 36: ...display mode as LetterBox or Pan Scan o Aspect Ratio Set aspect ratio as 4 3 or 16 9 o Interval Time Set the interval time between two images o Temporary Work Space Specify a directory as the temp fol...

Page 37: ...log box will popup to enquire you whether to burn into disc if click Yes you will burn the html page into disc just like burn a normal data disc 3 6 Sharing Photos BlazePhoto provides three sharing mo...

Page 38: ...by one multiple different images on one page is possible 2 Picture Package same one picture per page the copies depends on the image size and picture package format o Individual Print Format multiple...

Page 39: ...r image collections Output to Folder Batch change the info of all the images collected in Picture Tray such as file size format and name the interface is shown as below o Destination 1 Place modified...

Page 40: ...he image collections in Picture Tray as mail interface is as below o Client to specify mail client such as Outlook Outlook Express Hotmail etc o E Mail Size to specify the maximum size of the mail o I...

Page 41: ...ing to make the change take effects o Default Start Folder Set the default folder to open after launching program o Capture Picture Save Folder Select a folder to save the image captured from digital...

Page 42: ...lazevideo com 28 2 Media Library o Location specify the location of the media library o Compact Now there is maybe some useless info for media library click Compact Now to delete useless info to reduc...

Page 43: ...blazevideo com 29 3 Slideshow o Background Music add background music for slideshow preview can be mp3 or wma file o Effect Time the effect time between two images o Interval Time the interval time b...

Page 44: ...Video Inc www blazevideo com 30 4 Advanced o Show tags icon show tags icon while previewing pictures o File Associations Set BlazePhoto as default application to view pictures click it to pop up below...

Page 45: ...mat will be directly opened by BlazePhoto Cancel Exit and keep original setting Contact Support Please collect the following information and E mail us We will respond you as soon as possible Your devi...
