Intelligent Analytics
NVR User Manual
to add a favorite group and save the current searched pictures to the favorite group. Then you can quickly view these pictures by clicking
and choosing the group name.
10.3 View Statistical Information
Click Start
Intelligent Analytics
Statistics to go to the following interface. In this interface, you can view the people and vehicle statistical
information or you can customize the statistical information.
View People Information:
Note: The person information includes face information and figure information.
Select the time.
Select cameras.
Select events as needed, such as face detection, face match, intrusion and tripwire.
Note: Face match events (successful recognition & stranger) are available for some models. If Face Match-Successful Recognition event is selected,
you can choose “Detail Chart” to view.
View Vehicle Information:
Click “Vehicle”
Select the time and cameras.
Select events as needed.
Select the vehicle attribution.
To customize statistical information:
Click “Combine” and then select events, people and vehicle as needed.
10.4 Face Attendance
This function is only available for some models. If your device doesn’t support it, please skip the following instructions.
Click Start
Intelligent Analytics
Face Attendance to go to the following interface.