AI Event Management
NVR User Manual
Enable “Successful Recognition” or “Stranger”. Click “Parameter Settings” to set the similarity of the matching face group.
Disable live display: if checked, the live view interface (target detection tab) will not display captured faces in real time.
Set the alarm linkage items of successful recognition.
Select one or more face groups and then choose the schedule. Click “Manage” to set the schedule.
Set the text prompt and voice prompt. When the captured face is matched successfully, the text will appear on the right of the live view
interface and broadcast the audio.
Enable alarm output pulse (access control).
Trigger record, snapshot, alarm-out, buzzer, push, pop-up video, E-mail and pop-up message box as needed. The alarm linkage settings are
similar to the face detection alarm (see 9.1.1 Face Detection Settings for details).
Click “Apply” to save the settings.
Set the stranger alarm linkage items. When the captured face picture doesn’t match the face pictures in the face database or their similarity is
lower than the set value, the captured person will be regarded as a stranger.