Timeout Icon
Failed to receive GPS or Event during the time set by a user. (Refer to F. Vehicle Popup)
Vehicle List
Select a vehicle and click a right mouse button to edit vehicle name, information or delete the
vehicle from the list.
Edit: Edit a selected vehicle’s info. (Refer to F. Vehicle Popup)
Remove: Delete a selected vehicle from the list. Entire information related to the vehicle will be
removed from the map.
C. Tool Bar
Show/Hide Vehicle List (
): Open or Close List of Vehicles.
Location (
): Shows vehicle locations on the map.
Map Type (
): Select a map type. (Map, Satellite)
Tracking Line (
): Turn On or Off vehicle
s route. It shows under Toggle state.
(Default: Click state)
Log (
): Check Event Log of each Vehicle.
Setup (
): Change the program setup.