Q2000HD, Q2500HD & Q2800HD Flail mower
Trouble shooting
Proble m
C ause
O il level inc orrec t
C hec k oil level
O il grade inc orrec t
C hec k oil grade
Im plem ent overloaded
R educ e forw ard s peed
W rong PTO s peed
Ens ure trac tor PTO s peed
m atc hes im plem ent
Belt and pulley c ondition
R eplac e if nec es s ary
Pulley alignm ent
C hec k alignm ent
Inc orrec t belt tens ion
Tens ion belts to s pec .
O verloading of im plem ent
R educ e forw ard s peed or
inc reas e height of c ut
W orking angle too great
R educ e offs et of im plem ent
Shaft inc orrec t length i.e.
bottom ing out
R es iz e PTO s haft as
rec om m ended
Lac k of m aintenanc e
Greas e PTO s haft as
rec om m ended
Flails w orn
R eplac e w orn flails
R otor s peed/direc tion
C hec k trac tor PTO s peed
C rop c ondition
Look for s uitable c onditions
R otor out of balanc e
See rotor vibration
W ire/s tring in bearing
R eplac e bearings
Lac k of m aintenanc e
R e-balanc e/replac e rotor
W ater in bearing
R em ove debris
R otor bearing failure
Gearbox O verheating
Exc es s ive Belt W ear
PTO w ear UJ failure
C ut quality
When operating in arduous conditions with a tractor of more than 80hp, you can reduce the strain
on the drive line by:
running with 1000 speed setup
keeping the PTO shaft straight.