Operational Warnings
Never drive the tractor with arm outstretched (except when cutting).
When moving at work always first retract arms. Transport with care.
Metal fatigue is always caused by careless transportation and misuse.
If the ground is uneven or bumpy slow down.
Read operator’s manual and be fully familiar with all operational
maintenance and safety procedures.
Practice in open space without rotor running until familiar with controls.
Take care working the head close to the tractor as it may be possible to
strike the tractor.
Remember one of the clever features of the TWIGA range is its ability
to operate within a very narrow space, often within the
tractor’s width.
This will mean it is quite possible for the flail head to foul the tractor.
Practice all these positions and be very familiar with your machine
before ever attempting work.
Never operate above the recommended P.T.O. speed of 540 R.P.M.
failure to heed this warning will result in severe damage, i.e. greatly
increased oil temperature, risk of rotor going out of balance, as well as
reduced machine life, and could cause expensive repairs.
Failure to start and stop the rotor at a low P.T.O. speed or to operate at
the correct speed will result very quickly in severe motor and/or pump
Be very careful when operating on sloping ground.
Never attempt to operate the machine while going backwards. It will
immediately damage the arms and possibly the flail head. Remember,
before selecting reverse gear always lift the flail head out of work and
retract the arms towards the tractor.
Never operate with flail rotor facing towards the tractor. This is
potentially dangerous with debris being thrown towards the tractor, and
unseen hazards may cause damage.
Never attempt to slew arms when fully out stretched - always retract
before operating the slew. Be very careful when operating on sloping
Never attempt to slew arms with the head on the ground, always raise
the head before slewing.
Never change/reverse the rotor rotation until it has come to a standstill,
serious damage will occur leading to premature pump and/or motor