6. Usage of the draining off water device: (with bathtub)
A) Drain off water.
Rotate the knob 2 on bathtub clockwise (about 30° - 45°)(Fig. as below ), can turn on the
valve 1 upwards, so the water in the bathtub can be drained completely.Rotate the knob 2
contrariwise (about 30° - 45°) can close the valve 1.
B) Cleanness of the valve that drain off water
If the drainage was jammed after the steam room has already been used for some time,
should clean out the deodorizing drainage. (the following sketch)
(with the bathtub)
(no bathtub)
7. Usage of the hand shower:
There are six kinds of marks on the hand shower (such as the right sketch),if user swivel the
orientation ornament ring on the shower (such as the left sketch), can experience different
water spray fashion