The X and Z axis are connected.
10. Connect the Y axis. But wait!
It has two motors that are wired in
If two stepper motors are connected in parallel, they may not spin in
the same direction because the internal polarities may not be the
same. The solution to this problem is to transpose the colors of one
pair of coil wires. This polarity/spin direction problem is compounded
by the fact that the motors are mirrored on the mill and actually need
to spin different directions.
Watch the video below go get a basic idea, then work through these
Connect short leads to the Y axis terminals.
Identify the coils.
Group one coil from each motor together by color, except with
reversed polarities.
Twist the ends to test.
Try and move the mill in the Y axis. If it moves smoothly,
solder the wires and apply heatshrink/electrical tape, or use
wire nuts.
If the axis moved roughly, unlike the X and Z axes, filp
the pairs of coils so that it has the same colors combined, but
leave the other reversed. This is because the motor’s coils are
not always wired the same internally.
Take a quick look at this video to see, and hear, how the Y axis
when wired incorrectly, and correctly.
11. Set the motor drive currents. Make sure the trimpots are in the center
for 1A service until you are more experienced. Or, read up on how
the current setting works in the Stepoko Guide’s Hardware: Setting
the current section.
Shapeoko Belt Fix
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