Shapeoko Assembly Guide
SparkFun’s Deluxe Shapeoko kit is a Carbide3D Shapoko 3 in fancy
SparkFun red with our open source 3 axis mill driver, the Stepoko.
The full kit. In this picture, the Shapeoko parts have been assembled as per
the Shapeoko guide, and the SparkFun kit parts are shown beside it.
Guide Content
This guide directs you to the Shapeoko assembly instructions, then goes
through the final steps to add the electronics to the mill.
Required Materials
• Shapeoko assembly instructions - Download and read before
unboxing. It works well to print two pages per sheet in order to have
a copy on hand, and to save trees.
• Shapeoko Deluxe Kit Contents PDF - This list reflects exactly what
comes in the deluxe kit and can be used to verify the shipment
before starting assembly.
• A meter or so of spare wire.
• A soldering iron and some solder.
• A multimeter.
• A 2.5mm hex wrench for belt clips.
• Pliers or small adjustable wrench.
Suggested Reading
Stepoko guide - This guide talks about how the Stepoko control electronics
works. Important information is also linked below.
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