Install the Jetson Nano Dev kit to the nylon standoffs using four 1/4 in 4-40 Phillips head screws. Tighten each
screw slightly in a criss-cross pattern to ensure the through holes do not bind during install until finger tight. Make
sure you can still access the camera ribbon cable.
Note: the camera connector is made from small plastic components & can break easier than you think.
Please be careful with this next step.
Loosen the camera connector with a fingernail or small flathead screwdriver. Fit the ribbon cable into this
connector and depress the plastic press fit piece of the connector to hold the ribbon cable in place.
Unpackage & install the USB Wifi adaptor into one of the USB ports on the Jetson nano Dev Kit. The drivers for
this Wifi adaptor are pre-installed on the SparkFun Jetbot image. If you are making your own image, you will need
to ensure you get these from Edimax.