What You Should See
Depending on the state of the switch, a different LED will blink. If you move the switch to connect the
signal pin to 3.3V (HIGH), then the LED connected to pin P15 will blink. If you flip the switch and
ground the signal pin, then the LED on pin P16 will start blinking and LED 1 will turn off.
Light Not Turning On
The wires for the switch are right next to each other. Make sure that signal is in the center with
voltage and ground on the outside pins. If you connect ground and voltage, your board will short out
and shut down.
Make sure your power LED is on. If it is off, pull the signal wire and see if that changes anything. If
you short circuit your micro:bit board, it will turn itself off to protect the circuitry.
No worries; these circuits are all super stripped-down to make playing with the components easy,
but once you throw them together the sky is the limit.