Maintenance instructions
Thank you for choosing a SpaDealers Hot Tub. We try to do our utmost to ensure
that you will be satisfied with our products. If you have any queries, please
contact us at +358-(0)10-239 5600 or [email protected]
Foundation and placement options
The wood on the outside must be treated with wood oil annually. The oil must be suitable for hard wood or
heat treated wood and provide UV protection. It would be also good if it contains a slight brownish nuance in
order to provide more protection.
Untreated Oiled Untreated > 3 years
Water consumption and energy!
Filling is generally done with a garden hose connected to the water mains. If another water source is used,
take special consideration regarding the potential for bacteria. Read the instructions on water hygiene and
the use of chemicals.
Remember that the water level will rise by approx. 5 cm when an average-sized person sits in the Hot Tub.
This is equivalent to 80 litres of water. The water level should be 20 cm below the edge when empty. The total
amount of water to heat up is subsequently reduced by ca. 200 litres. If the Hot Tub is completely filled, this
amount of water will flood over the edges when the users sit down.
Nicht auf Rasen!
Wooden frame
Auf Holzrahmen
Structure bois
Деревянная конструкция
Kivi- tai valulaatta
Sten- eller gjuten platta
Stone or concrete plate
Stein- oder Betonfundament
Pierre ou ciment
Камень или бетон
Tiivistetty sorapeti
Stampat grus
Gravel foundation
Dichter Schotter
Fondation en gravier
Place the Hot Tub
on a stable base
and not directly on
the ground.