Hardware Setup
This chapter explains how to configure the mainboardÕs hardware. After
you install the mainboard, you can set jumpers, install memory on the
mainboard, and make case connections. Refer to this chapter whenever
you upgrade or reconfigure your system.
Turn off power to the mainboard, system chassis, and
peripheral devices before performing any work on the
mainboard or system.
Factory Set Jumpers
The following jumpers are set at the factory as below.
Factory settings
JP1, JP14, JP15, JP34
Factory fixed at 2Ð3
JP2, JP35
Factory setting at short
JP3: Display Type
Set JP3 to configure the mainboard for use with either a color or
monochrome monitor.
Monitor Type
1 2
1 2
JP10: Sleep Switch Connector Enable/Disable
Toggle this jumper to force the system into power saving (Green) mode.
Any hardware IRQ signal makes the system wakeups.