TRAK Machine Tools
Southwestern Industries, Inc.
The ProtoTRAK DXF Converter Operating Manual
Chaining simply defines your event groups automatically. If you want to define them
yourself, click No. The only difference is that you will have to click on all the lines and arcs in
succession. The more features a part has, the more time the Chaining feature will save you.
After selecting yes, click on the line at the front of the part that we chose as the ABS 0
reference You will receive a message asking yo
u “Please click to continue”.
Click on the
slanted line.
That follows the first line.
You will receive another “Please click to continue” message, click
on the line we created earlier.
You will immediately receive another “Click to continue” mes
sage, click on the line following
And the chain will continue to the end of the part.
Now we click on the EVENT button on the upper right hand corner of the screen. Fill in all the
necessary prompts (RPM, federate, tool #, etc.), when done click on the Event button a second
time to return to the event definition screen.
Now we want to define the Groove event for the small groove on the part. First click on More,
then Groove. We will now use the zoom function and zoom in on the groove to have a better
view of the lines we want to pick. We will first click on the vertical line 1, then 2 and finally 3.