S660N GNSS Network RTK Receiver
4.2.2. Configuration
General Config, Base Setup, Antenna Setup, Satellite Tracking, Receiver Operate and System Setup are contained
under Configuration menu. Users are able to configure all kinds of parameters for S660N under Configuration
menu, and all the settings are immediate effect after saving.
General Config
The registration for receiver and working mode setting can be completed in this general configuration page.
If the code of S660N has expired or is going to be run out, please provide the serial number of your S660N receiver
for us, then we will supply another available code, then apply the code to receiver by inputting the code into the
blank or register the receiver online.
S660N is allowed setup the working mode and datalink from Web UI that only need the mobile phone or tablet PC
which is able to connect the wifi hotspot of S660N.