O&M Manual v2
Page 21
If your N2 Generator model is <99.5% N2 content, you’ll have to calibrate by selection the “Max O2 % 2-Pt
Calib” option. You’ll need at least one certified known gas in the 1% O2 Range. Apply that known gas to the
O2 analyzer port found on the outside of most units on the right hand side (refer to your specific customer
drawing illustration for the exact location). Regulate the Calibrated gas pressure to a minimum of 5 psi and
no great than 60 psi. Enter the value of that known gas as the “Low Limit Cal Source 2”. Leave the gas
applied to the port until the Raw Value has stabilized. Then enter that value into the “Low Limit Raw Value
2”. Repeat this process again for a higher known certified gas, preferably somewhere around the 8% O2
range. If a second certified gas is not available, the use of compressed air will work. Just apply 20.9%
(atmospheric compressed air) as the “High Limit Cal Source 1” and wait until the Raw Value settles and then
enter that value into the “High Limit Raw Value 1”.
Calibrating the Pressure Transducer (reading the N2 Storage Tank) is very similar to calibrating the O2 PPM.
Find the pressure transducer inside the cabinet (for most units they are located in the upper left corner where
the N2 Out Port is located). You’ll need to pull two values again, one low and one high and enter in the
corresponding Raw Value.
**NOTE: This process should not be done frequently. If you find that calibration is needed frequently,
it’s a good indication that it’s time to change out the sensors.